Writing Retreat in Tasmania

Sometimes you need to get away to immerse yourself in writing. That's what I did last week: I set up a writing retreat in the landscape where my next novel is set. What a great excuse to go to Tasmania! I found a small cottage in the south-east overlooking the water, and I wrote. I drove a lot too, and visited the Tahune Air Walk and went boating on the Huon River and wandered around the small towns and little wharves, and walked along the water's edge. It helped with my writing. In my little cottage, with the wood-fire burning, I wrote late into the night. I lived in my own head space and within the skins of my characters.

Now I'm home and the momentum is continuing. All I need to do is look at the many photos I took, and I'm back there, remembering the light and shade over water, and the cold air nipping my nose.